Open evenings for entry to Reigate College in September 2026 will be held between 6.00pm and 8.30pm on:











When you book, please only book ONE TICKET for each prospective student. Each ticket will also admit up to two accompanying adults.

You will need to bring your ticket (including QR code) with you to the Open Evening to gain entry (either a clear printed copy or on your phone). Ticket QR codes will be scanned at the entrances.

Applications for entry to the College in September 2026 will open on Monday 22 September 2025.




1. Please ensure you have your tickets (with QR code) with you (either a good quality print out or on your phone). QR codes will be scanned on arrival.

2. Please pick up our latest prospectus (if you don’t already have one) and a campus map when you arrive, and allow around 2+ hours for your visit. Please remember, the event ends promptly at 8.30pm.

3. If you wish to hear one of the live Principal’s Talks (at 6.15pm and 7.15pm) please request a Principal’s Talk ticket at the registration desk, when you arrive. Tickets will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis but due to the high level of demand, not everyone will be able to get a ticket.

4. As the Principal’s Talks fill up extremely quickly, screenings of a 10 minute Overview Film will be shown in the first floor of the Refectory at 6.20pm, 6.50pm, 7.20pm and 7.50pm. Places for these are offered on a first-come, first-served basis, and tickets are not required. The films serve as an ‘overflow’ to the Principal’s Talks, but are also a good way of hearing about different aspects of College life.

In order to accommodate as many students as possible, tickets will be limited to one accompanying parent/guardian per prospective student.

5. If you wish to attend an Aspire Talk (see more info in section below), please head to the ground floor of the Independent Learning Centre for a prompt 6.15pm, 7pm or 7.45pm start.

5. There will be an Information Fair on the ground floor of the Refectory, with staffed stands for the following areas: Admissions, Enrichment Activities Programme, Bursaries, Careers & Work Experience, Competitive Sport, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Learning Support, Mentoring, Students’ Union.

6. Due to the number of visitors on site, we are unable to offer guided tours. Please use the campus map that you will be given on arrival to work out a plan of which departments to visit, via a self-guided tour. There will be plenty of staff stationed across the campus to help with navigation.

7. Please use the QR codes on the back of campus map to guide you to more information, including our A to Z course finder and a link to films we recommend watching to give you some background to the College.

8. It’s recommended you talk to staff and student representatives for each of the subjects you’re considering.

9. You might want to include the following in your tour: Lindley Sports Centre, Independent Learning Centre and Supported Learning Centre (first floor Priory Building). The College’s sports fields are near Reigate Priory Cricket and Tennis Clubs, but these are unfortunately not open to visitors as part of our Open Events.

What do I do If I’m no longer able to attend or want to change the date I’ve booked?
To cancel your place – please revisit the event you booked by clicking on the appropriate Open Event date on the College calendar. Near the bottom of that page you will see the option to ‘Change my RSVP’

Click this button, enter your email address used to make the original booking, then simply change your response to ‘No’ before clicking on ‘Submit’. The QR code you received in your confirmation email will no longer be valid.

To change the date you have booked, you will need to change your RSVP to ‘No’ (as above) and book a new RSVP ticket for your preferred date. Please be aware that College Open Evenings are extremely popular, so it is essential that you cancel any unwanted tickets, allowing others the opportunity to attend.

Can both parents/carers attend?
Yes. Each RSVP ticket admits up to two accompanying parents/carers, so PLEASE ONLY BOOK ONE TICKET FOR ONE EVENING.

What if we have twins – do I book two tickets?
No. If you have multiple year 11 students wishing to attend, please book only one ticket and include multiple names in the name fields.

Can siblings attend?
As the events are oversubscribed, we are unfortunately unable to accommodate younger siblings. These events are designed for Year 11 students and their parents/carers. In the event that you are unable to arrange alternative childcare, please email but please also be aware that the campus is incredibly busy during these evenings and may not be an enjoyable experience for younger siblings.

Is my year 10 student eligible to attend?
These events are designed for, and restricted to, Year 11 students and their parents/carers only. As the events are oversubscribed, we are unfortunately unable to accommodate prospective students from any other year groups.

If you are keen to inspire a younger student, our website has a wealth of information on what our courses cover and, importantly, what GCSE subjects and grades are required to enrol on them. There are also videos for most subjects and lots of photos and College news stories on our website.

Please also take a look at our Alumni pages for inspirational stories of what former Reigate College students have gone on to accomplish. If you follow us on Instagram and Facebook you’ll be the first to hear all the latest news.

I’ve tried to book a ticket, but all three Open Evenings are showing as ‘sold out’. What do I do?
College Open Evenings are extremely popular and do fill up fast. We do not run a waiting list, however we do get cancellations so please keep checking the website in case a place becomes available.

Comprehensive information about the College and our courses can be found at

Can I arrange a visit during regular College opening hours?
Unfortunately, we’re not able to offer visits during College opening hours. This is because of the likely disruptive nature of having visitors appearing during timetabled lessons.

For all other booking enquiries, please email

Due to the pressure on parking spaces, there will unfortunately be NO PARKING ON THE COLLEGE CAMPUS for visitors other than for Blue Badge Holders who are requested to park in the Rushworth Road College car park. If you are a Blue Badge holder, so we can reserve you a space, please email with your name, the student’s name, vehicle registration and the date you have booked to attend.

There are several public car parks within easy walking distance from The College. See the Council’s Reigate Car Parks website for locations.

Please note the Morrisons car park in Reigate town centre has a two hour limit, so it is advised NOT to park there to avoid being fined.


Local bus timetables (link to Surrey County Council website)

Reigate Train Station is a couple of minutes away by foot. Train information can be found at

Address: Reigate Sixth Form College, Rushworth Road, Reigate Surrey.
Postcode for sat nav users RH2 0QF

At Open Evenings, does the College offer additional assistance to prospective students with visual or hearing impairments?
Yes, in some circumstances it is possible to arrange a BSL signer or guide to assist a prospective student during the event, however this will depend on availability. Please email at least seven days prior to the event, or as soon as possible, so that the College can make enquiries. We can also arrange parking on site for Blue Badge holders at our Open Evenings. To reserve a place, please email with your name, the student’s name, vehicle registration and the date you have booked to attend.

English isn’t our first language, but we’d like to attend the Open Evenings
If you require a language translator, please email at least seven days prior to the event, or as soon as possible, so that the College can make enquiries.

Is the College wheelchair accessible?
Yes. There are lifts located in each building, together with accessible toilet facilities. We can also arrange parking on site for Blue Badge holders at our Open Evenings. To reserve a place, please email with your name, the student’s name, vehicle registration and the date you have booked to attend.

Tickets for the Principal’s Talk will be allocated at the registration desks on arrival, on a first-come, first-served basis. Tickets are likely to ‘sell out’ extremely quickly, and we recommend attending an Overview Film Screening (on the first floor of the Refectory) as a great alternative. See more info below.

In order for as many prospective students as possible to hear the Principal’s Talk tickets will be limited to one accompanying parent/guardian per student.

Talks will take place in the Rispoli Theatre at 6.15pm and 7.15pm and are estimated to last around 20-30 minutes. Doors open 15 minutes prior to each Talk.

As the Principal’s Talks are likely to be over-subscribed, there will also be screenings of a College Overview Film in the Refectory (first floor) at 6.20pm, 6.50pm, 7.20pm and 7.50pm.

Places for the screenings are offered on a first-come, first-served basis, and tickets are not required. The films serve as an ‘overflow’ to the Principal’s Talk, but are also a good way of hearing about different aspects of College life.

Students who anticipate gaining an average GCSE score of 6 and above are encouraged to attend an Aspire Talk. The Aspire Talks will give an insight into how the College supports its most academic students.

Talks will take place in the Independent Learning Centre (ILC) and start promptly at 6.15pm, 7pm and 7,50pm. The Aspire Talks are estimated to last for 15 minutes and tickets are not required.

If you have any further queries that haven’t been answered above, please get in touch by emailing