‘Choices Day’ is a day when every new student comes in to College for either a morning or afternoon session and is placed in a temporary Tutor Group before moving to other classrooms to try out three possible subject choices. Specific information about Choices Day will be emailed to you. Please check the email used for your application to the College.
Since you’ll be receiving your GCSE results on 21 August, you’ll know exactly which courses you’ll be eligible for on Choices Day (on 27 August), and so this session is designed to help you firm up your final course choices, ahead of your one-to-one enrolment interview on either 28 or 29 August.
In order to enrol you at College, we will need to know your results. You will be able to upload your results via our online system, using the individual link that will be emailed to you by the Admissions Team. Please refer to the student guide for checking personal data and entering GCSE and BTEC results online which explains how to do this.
For students who are feeling anxious about starting at the College, please don’t worry as we’ll make sure you receive additional support if you need it. Once you’ve started, please let your Tutor know, at the earliest opportunity so that you can access the additional support that’s available.