Latest Parents’ Bulletins: Intermediate | Lower Sixth | Upper Sixth | Wisdom App
The main form of communication between the College and students and parents/guardians is email.
Parents concerned about not having received College emails should email or phone 01737 221118.
Copies of all generic communications to parents are saved on this page – see below. Personal correspondence is saved in a student’s Personal Information Portal (PIP) that requires a log in to access.
All students and parents will be given information about how to access PIP.
Important notices and reminders will be emailed to parents once or twice every half term via the Parents’ Bulletin.
Parents should ensure they read this to keep up-to-date with all the latest information.
Autumn Term
September: Intermediate | Lower Sixth | Upper Sixth
November: Intermediate | Lower Sixth | Upper Sixth | Wisdom App
Spring Term
January: Intermediate | Lower Sixth | Upper Sixth
March: Intermediate | Lower Sixth | Upper Sixth
April: Intermediate | Lower Sixth | Upper Sixth
Summer Term
Results and Certificate Information
June: Lower Sixth | Young Carers letter
Reigate College Linked Account payment setup guide
Parent Information Evening Presentation, 9 September 2024
Intermediate Welcome Evening Presentation, 19 September 2024
View the videos that have been made specifically for parents/guardians of current students.
All students and parents will be issued an Interim Report via the Portal every six weeks (once every half term), usually in October, December, February and March.
Interim Reports include effort grades and current working grades.
Parents and students are invited to attend Review Meetings during the last week of the Autumn Term (the week before the Christmas break). These meetings typically take place over a two day period with morning, afternoon and evening sessions.
It is mandatory for all students to attend these meetings regardless of whether or not their parents are able to attend with them. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend.
Appointments for these meetings should be made via the Personal Information Portal (PIP) and students will be emailed with details about how to make these.
Travel and parking information
Parking can be difficult due to the large number of visitors, so please take public transport, park in local public car parks (Bell Street, Upper West Street, Bancroft Road multi-storey or Morrisons (note the latter has a strict 2 hour limit), or park on local roads and walk if at all possible). See the Council’s Reigate Car Parks website for locations and map handout.
Read our On Route newsletters and Rewind, our annual review